
Country苹果手机全局伋理软件下载Deaths per million Tests per million
Vietnam3 2,828
Nepal 100.03 3,180
Rawanda22 3,737
Mongolia 41 3,106
Thailand430.8 4,099
苹果手机全局伋理软件813 3,505
Ghana1820.9 5,539
El Salvador1954 8,240
iphone手机如何上外网820.3 13,770
Palestine740.4 8,825
Tunisia 884 3,208
Lebanon1324 8,726
Costa Rica 1682 3,813
Hong Kong1390.520,674
Kyrgyzstan1722 9,138
Above listed countries have the lowest cases per million AND a corresponding low deaths per million. Only those countries were considered who had achieved at least 3000/million tests for their population AND cases/million < 200. While the numbers are somewhat arbitrary – there does need to be some standard via which a country’s interventions could be considered as a possible model for other nations to follow. Below 3000/million would suggest that their number of cases were likely not realistic at this time. USA figures are provided to make clear that the country is obviously NOT in any way shape or form a model that other countries should consider following. The table will be periodically updated with any material changes. Data based on information provided at : http://www.worldometers.info/coronavirus/

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“… the physical world with its single matter is a single reality in flux…it is a single caravan moving towards its goal…”

Allama Tabatabai – Bidayat al-Hikmah
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Mulla Muhsin Fayd Kashani (Spiritual Mysteries and Ethical Secrets – translation of Al Haqaiq fi Mahasin al-Akhlaq) suggests a distinction between hope and wish. Hope is based on effort towards attaining the goal – while a wish is devoid of such effort – and misplaced effort is more akin to self-delusion.

Spiritual Mysteries and Ethical Secrets pg. 313

The word ‘hope’ therefore, can be applied correctly to the anticipation of something positive and beloved, where all the necessary preliminary steps that are under one’s control have been put in place, and the only thing let is that which is not under one’s control, which is the Grace of Allah in averting calamities and disasters.

Hope is an essential quality that one may cultivate in one’s self – however for hope to be real and not a confused self-delusion or a mere wish – the preparatory work also needs completion.

Someone once came to Imam al-Sadiq (as) and told him,

‘A group of people who associate themselves with you are engaged in committing sins, but at the same time saying, ‘We hope in His mercy’.

He replied, ‘They are lying and are not our associates. These are people whose wishes swing them back and forth. one who truly hopes for something works for it, and one who fears something flees from it.’

Posted in Islam | Tagged ios全局伋理软件, hadith, joshua tree flower, kashani, reflections


و ثالثها تخصص الوجود بإضافته إلى الماهيات المختلفة الذوات و عروضه لها فيختلف
باختلافها بالعرض

“… in accordance with the different quiddities to which existence is related, and which differentiate it accidentally in accordance with their difference. ” (Bidayat al-Hikmah – Allama Tabatabai – trans. Sayyid Ali uli Qarai).

…”Letters written with ink do not really exist qua letters. For the letters are but various forms to which meanings have been assigned through convention. What really and concretely exists is nothing but ink. The “existence” of the letters is in truth no other than the “existence” of the ink which is the sole, unique reality that unfolds itself in many forms of self-modification. One has to cultivate, first of all, the eye to see the selfsame reality of ink in all letters, and then to see the letters as so many intrinsic modifications of the ink.” (The concept and Reality of Existence by Toshihiko Izutusu.)

Haydar Amuli … “The sea, when it is determined by the form of the wave, is called waves. The selfsame water, when determined by the form of the river, is called a river, and when determined by form of the brook, is called a brook. In the same way, it is called rain, snow, ice, etc. In reality, however, there is absolutely nothing but sea or water, for the wave, river, brook, etc. are merely names indicating the sea. In truth (i.e. in its absolutely unconditioned reality ) it bears no name; there is nothing whatsoever to indicate it. No, it’s a matter of sheer linguistic convention even to designate it by word sea itself”. And he adds that exactly the same is true of “existence” or “reality”. (ibid)

Posted in falsafa


Link to an Amazon list on Islamic Philosophy 

Below is Lecture 1 by Sheikh Dr. Shomali on Introduction to Islamic Philosophy; a series of lectures given for third year students of the Hawza Ilmiyyah of England in the academic year 2016-2017, based on the book: An Introduction to Islamic Philosophy Based on the Works of Murtada Mutahhari by Abd al-Rassul Obudiyyat (Author), Hussein Valeh (Translator). There are, at this time, 20 lectures on youtube and … “to be continued” .   I recommend that if you are interested in philosophy, to get the above book, and follow/read along with these lectures.

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Jawn ibn Huwayy ‘the African Slave’, and the Ethnicities of the Twelve Imams


The Islamic College, London, UK

This paper explores how Shi‘i sacred history and hagiography communicate social norms about race. It problematizes the characterization of Jawn ibn Huwayy in the Karbala narrative as the African slave at the Battle of Karbala and traces the evolution of a racialized portrayal of him in Shi‘i texts. It also raises the question of whether Jawn ibn Huwayy actually existed, or whether he was a racialized construction built upon the stereotype of an African slave who entered communal memory later. It contrasts the ‘othering’ of Jawn through his Africanness against the common perception of an Arabo-Iranian norm, reinforced through drawings of the twelve Imams with Arab or Iranian features. This norm is then challenged through presenting the Imams in an ethnic image which reflects their racial backgrounds (as reported in Shi‘i narrations) to create cognitive dissonance and explore subconscious assumptions about race and divine authority in contemporary Shi‘ism.

Posted in iphone手机如何上外网, Ashura | Tagged blacklivematter, blackmuslimsmatter, Shia


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2021年度北京市级行政机关和区政府绩效考评会议 - 千龙网· ...:2021年2月10日下午14:00在北京会议中心9号楼3层多功能厅召开2021年度市级行政机关和区政府绩效考评会议。shadows into the light. (Qur’an 2 257)

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Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND

Posted in bay area


Sad how this tragedy is being used to now attack artists, the victims, those who were attempting to lead a creative life… This will now lead to an even more brutal push towards gentrification of Oakland…we need to be vigilant even as we mourn.


Posted in bay area